Michele Stires-De Lorean – Democrats Abroad

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Who Are We Really Show

Your Host – Tim Loomis

This week’s guest on the “All Bout Us” show is Michele Sires-De Lorean who is currently living in New Zealand and is with the group “International Democrats Abroad” for the Obama campaign. Michele goes over how she became involved back into politics again and how excited she is in participating in Obama’s campaign. I discovered how large and influential a group the “International Democrats Abroad” is as they represent 11 Electoral votes. Michele’s passion & excitement about bringing the excitement back into our political process and how she had to be overseas to discover her passion.



Susan & Reve Carberry

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                All About Us,

Who Are We Really Show

Your Host – Tim Loomis

This week’s guest on the “All About Us” show are Susan & Reve Carberry who share their story of how they stepped through their fears to live their Dream. Thank you both for being so open and honest about your story as I know this will support many others who are ready to start living their dream and just can’t make that first step.


Susan & Reve Susan & Reve are also amazing coaches and have supported many people in discovering their own power and to step into living their dreams. Contact them through their website The Carberry Group


Susan & Reve in front of “Beasty” their new home.



“Resolutions vs Goals” Which Works for ME?

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          All About Us,

Who Are We Really Show

Your Host

Tim Loomis

January is the perfect time for new beginnings! That is when we normally think about setting resolutions and/or goals in our life. What would happen if we took time throughout the year to check on our progress and reset our course. Maybe we would have a different result from just forgetting our New Year’s Resolutions. 

On this podcast Tim will go over the similarities and differences between setting Resolutions and Goals. “You may discover that one process works better than the other in achieving your dreams. The secrets behind each method are critical insights that can help you achieve the ideal life. Conflicting desires will sabotage our yearly goals and resolutions” says Tim.

RESOLUTIONS are about resolving a problem. GOALS are about achieving or going FOR something rather than resolving. What is the constant behind both to achieve success? The word I want to introduce here is INTENTION.

To set up a resolution or a goal we first have to set our intentions. This is where most of us get caught and so we are not able to keep our word to ourselves. Without clear intentions as the base for setting our resolutions and goals we create COMPETING COMMITMENTS. What are competing commitments? They are CONFLICTS on a subconscious level that put us in reaction rather than action mode!

Resolutions and goals can be wonderful tools to support us on this incredible journey of life. The key to the process is setting resolutions and goals that don’t conflict with your core values thus setting up competing commitments.

Join Tim for an informative podcast that includes an exercise for you to complete on your own time!



Thinking Is The Only Way To Travel…

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As you think, you Create. As you love, you Travel.
You are today where your thoughts have brought you: you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the results of your thoughts, but can endure and learn, accept and be glad. You will realize the vision of your heart not an idle wish. You will gravitate toward that which secretly you love most. Into your hands will be placed the exact result of your thoughts. You will receive that which you earn, no more no less. What-ever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal… Source unknown – History is a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised again.”
– Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

So what is Kurt telling us in this quote? Do you know your vision for your life or are you just wandering through life wondering why? Each thought we have is making a difference not only in our own lives but in the lives of all the rest of us sharing this time and space with you. We are all co-creaters of who we are as a race on this planet. So let’s start today, right now and create a world of responsible people who are conscious of what they are creating…

A great way to start is by listening to our brief introduction to ConnectingPointe by clicking on the “Listen Now” button to see how we may support you in discovering the greatness and wonder in your everyday life journey… Tim



Living In The NOW!

I just got an email from a friend whose life has completely turned upside down, at least that is what she thought was going to happen. Instead she has found that the univerwse has provided for her in ways that she could have never imagined and that instead of living in fear, her life has become one of excitement and wonder.

So what a blessing has come from what originally looked like a disaster to one of joy by trusting yourself and the universe to work together to not only just survive but to find peace and joy and love… Tim
